
"Tell me a fact and I will learn. Tell me a truth and I will believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever."

The power of story is overwhelming. Stories entertain, salvage, empower, inform and navigate us through the onerous, and often precarious landscape of life. Told since the beginning of humankind, retelling stories is crucial to understanding humanity, and ensuring tales told are not lost forever. This website is a way to bring together place, stories, listeners and storytellers. My blog: 'In Other Footsteps' is a collection of stories from across the globe, gathered during wanderings, on my journey through life. I share them with you, to enjoy, and pass on to whoever you wish. Storytelling whispers also shares news, events, tips and tricks and a directory of storytellers. 

Bonkers about Bunnies

Were you aware bunnies didn't always have cute cotton ball tails? No! Well it is true. Once upon a time, longer than most can remember, rabbits had long tails like cats, and cats had no tail at all.

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Stories about Selkies

"The Great Selkie of Sule Skerry" is a traditional folk ballad from Orkney. I was recently lucky enough to hear a retelling of the embellished version: "The Play of the Lady Odivere". Native Orcadian, Tom Muir wove the tale so beautifully, impressing his listeners with his knowledge of the poems history.

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The Legend of Alderley Edge

I spent the weekend in Macclesfield, where a friend, who I met at university lives. When I arrived after work on the Friday evening, she had cooked a delicious meal of chicken and vegetables in red wine. Desert was fresh mango, with rum and raisin ice-cream. We chatted over coffee, before freshening up, and taking an evening walk.

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Crooker of Cromford

The weather this winter has been one of two things: wet and windy, or cold and bright. It is mid-January, the sky over Britain is either the deepest blue, or ash grey.

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Sheep and Peaks

On April 17th 1951, Britain's first national park was designated to the Peak District, an upland area of outstanding beauty in England. Today, tourism dominates the area, alongside agriculture. Traditionally, people in the area, made a living from grazing livestock and dairy farming. 

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